Adding Instagram Account

How to login your Instagram account to Botrush

  1. Go to the account login section. (

  2. Click New Account

3. Put your Username & Password, select IOS API for best performance.

4. You can use any verification method that suits you best. We support 2FA, Email, Phone & Approve from trusted device based authentication.

5. You can safely ignore any other functions and click Add account because those extra functions are for developers & professional users only.


  1. We provide a proxy for your account by default, but you can add your proxy as well in the following formats. "http://ip:port" OR "http://username:password@ip:port". 4G/5G/LTE mobile Proxies are required if you want to bring your own proxy. You need to make sure the proxy rotates at least every 3-5 minutes. You can contact your 4g/5g Mobile/LTE proxy provider to check if the proxy rotates every 3-5 minutes.

  2. But be assured that, you don't need to take the pain of the proxy process because we already assign proxies for every single Instagram account by default

Once done with all the process, you're ready!

Last updated